The plant Polymir of OJSC Naftan
Polymir Director’s reception
211445 Novopolotsk
Vitebsk region
Republic of Belarus
Working hours
Administration and management:
from 8-30 to 17-15, lunch break: from 13-00 to 13-45.
Access control department (central entrance):
from 7-00 to 17-15, no break.
Access control department (administration):
from 8-00 to 16-45, lunch break from 12-00 to 12-45.
Clerical office:
from 8-30 до 17-15, lunch break: from 13-00 to 13-45.
HR office:
from 8-30 to 17-15, lunch break: from 13-00 to 13-45.
Training department:
from 8-30 to 17-15, lunch break: from 13-00 to 13-45.
Chemical products sales department
Chemical Production Marketing Department
Tender Sales Preparation, Analysis and Forecasting Department (sales of products manufactured by the plant Polymir)
Polyethylene Sales Sector
Chemical Production Sales Sector
Chemical Production Supply Department
Services for maintenance, preparation for testing of flow measuring instruments. Design engineer
Repair of technological equipment related to welding and machining. Revision, repair, hydraulic testing of pipeline fittings. Chief mechanical engineer